מהנדס NPI- חלק מצוות


משרה-מלאה באזור שרון .

The NPI Associate plays a key role in the successful rollout of new products and features.
The NPI Associate works daily with Engineering, Sales, Planning, Product Management and other departments to make sure the process is on schedule and that relevant local and regional teams are kept up to date on any changes and developments, and executes tasks required for the product/feature release.
The NPI Associate will perform the following duties:
• Stay up to date with new product and feature rollout from pre-production to successful release and deployment, by conducting weekly or bi-weekly sessions with key NPI task leaders at HQ and in the regions
• Implement NPI tasks that are managed by the product marketing team, such as collateral and website updates
• Support NPI activities conducted by other departments by providing product and market information
• Ensure that NPI tasks are delivered on time
• Maintain an updated NPI database with all the associated tasks and due dates
• Keep all stake holders updated regarding the progress and schedule, through meetings, emails and trainings

Position Requirements:
• 2-3 year experience in NPI, work with hardware products an advantage
• Degree in Industrial Engineering Management or an B.Sc. preferred
• Excellent English skills, spoken and written
• Advanced Microsoft office skills

הגשת מועמדות


מועד אחרון להגשות: 18/06/2031

בונה האתר Junami